Core Beliefs and Change
How to use our thinking to effect change
I work with lots of people helping them make positive changes in their life. Generally people come sayinfg they have tried everything - people only come to s...
Read More about Core Beliefs and ChangeWell Being Matters
Children and anxiety
Well being seems to be the current buzz word. Is it because we have evolved to such a point of luxury and opportunity that we now have the leisure time and o...
Read More about Well Being MattersWorking with Children
How we can help our kids
Feel good chemistry
How we create our feel good factor
Today's hectic life often leaves us stressed, anxious and not really living with as much enjoyment as we could. Often our sleep will become disrupted a...
Read More about Feel good chemistryHypnobirthing
A great start for family life
Hypnobirthing works!
When we dream of starting a family we do not usually consider the birth, well most of us don't. Then once pregnant people start ...
Read More about HypnobirthingBeat the Winter Blues
Do you or someone you know suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
Beat the Winter Blues!
Do you or someone you know suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
Are you affected by the loss of light?
The la...
The Stress Response
What it is, and why we need it
A combination of things happen in reaction to stress, known as the fight/flight/depression response. This has evolved as a survival mechanism enabling us to ...
Read More about The Stress Response